Blue Tees Series 2 Pro Slope Rangefinder Features
The Blue Tees Series 2 Pro Slope Rangefinder is packed with features to help ensure that it is easy to use and accurate. Everything about this option makes it a smart choice for those that want to be more accurate this golf season.
Although it’s excellent for rangefinders to have twenty different features, the most important one is accuracy. A rangefinder needs to be accurate if you are going to see success with it. The Blue Tees Series 2 has 6x magnification and an HD display. Not only will you get an accurate number, you can easily find the pin and lock in on the exact target that you need measured.
Even though slope functionality is not accessible during tournament play, it is a good thing to have. When you are practicing or playing with friends, it makes sense to train your brain as to how distance is impacted by the slope. With the Blue Tees Series 2, you can simply switch out of slope mode when you don’t need it.
Vibration Lock Technology
From as far as 800 yards away, you can find a target and get an accurate measurement within one yard. When you have zeroed in on the target, the rangefinder will offer vibrating pulses to let you know that you are, in fact, locked in on the flag. This feature is excellent for those that have a shaky or unsteady hand.
Compact & Durable
The Blue Tees Series 2 Pro Slope Rangefinder easily fits in the palm of your hand. You could put this rangefinder in your pocket as you walk up to the green after your shot, and it won’t bother you. Having tremendous accuracy for a rangefinder of this size is really a great feature.
In addition, the outer cover is built to be durable and long-lasting. However, you try to attach the Blue Tees Series 2 to your bag or cart; you will have confidence that the rangefinder will hold up well over time.
Is The Blue Tees Series 2 Pro Slope Rangefinder Worth It?
If you are new to the world of golf rangefinders or you are ready for an update, the Blue Tees Series 2 is a great choice. You will find that to have the slope functionality on a rangefinder in this price range is rare. In addition, the accuracy of the rangefinder and its durability makes it an intelligent choice. If you don’t want to shop for rangefinders again for quite some time, go with the Blue Tees Series 2 Pro Slope.
Each year, more and more golfers add a rangefinder to their golf bags. With the right rangefinder, you are not going to have to guess your distances, making it much easier to be an accurate player. The one downside that rangefinders have is that they can be quite expensive. However, companies like Blue Tees are making things a bit more affordable for the average golfer. The Blue Tees Series 2 Pro Slope Rangefinder is a relatively new release with lots of technology for a fair price.